Gafcon Digital Olcott and Jones to present at AU2023: Not Just Another Digital Twins Presentation

Gafcon Digital VP Sean Olcott and Technology Director Hal Jones will speak with Autodesk Casey McMahon at Autodesk University 2023 in Las Vegas, November 13-15.

Session Title: Not Just Another Digital Twins Presentation

The digital twin is a concept resulting from the advance and convergence of many different technologies. This has both complicated and over-simplified industry discourse on the topic. Often lost in the discussion about the tech and the solution vendors is what a digital twin describes (the virtualization of a real-world thing or process), the value proposition (capitalizing on digital technologies to improve how we understand, predict, and manage change to our built world), and how to properly engage with the concept (starting with use cases!). Sean OIcott, VP of Product and Innovation at Gafcon Digital, and Hal Jones, Technology Director at Gafcon Digital, will join Casey Mahon, senior manager of customer adoption at Autodesk Tandem, to provide a background on the concept, a summary of current and future design and construction use cases, an evaluation of solution vendors on the market, and a demonstration of an example construction use case—the Smart Jobsite—using Autodesk Tandem software.


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